Wensum Lodge
Wensum Lodge

We the undersigned call on Norfolk County Council to reject the proposals to close and sell Wensum Lodge. We call on the county council to invest in turning it into a cultural and economic asset, making best use of an historic building as a community focus for future generations.




Norfolk Tories want to close and sell off the iconic Wensum Lodge. Instead of investing to build on its adult education reputation to create an arts and cultural centre as originally proposed, Norfolk Tories want to flog off our heritage and distribute adult education provision into communities where it will quickly fall victim to cuts.


Sign the petition and tell Norfolk Tories you support our campaign to protect our heritage and turn it into a venue we can proudly pass on to future generations.

PETITION: Protect Wensum Lodge

If there was a General Election tomorrow, which party would you vote for?

I want to help Labour's campaign
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