Our next All Members Meeting will be on Friday 14 June.
- St Marks Church Hall, Hall Road NR1 3HL
- Doors open 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start
i) We will be discussing Labour Party policy, and our CLP input to the National Policy Forum Consultation.
This year the NEC and the Shadow Frontbench teams agreed the following topics for consultation (click on the links to read the consultation documents):
- Local accountability within the National Education Service
- Democratic public ownership
- A sustainable food policy
- Rebuilding a public NHS
- Local economic development
- Brexit
- Building an effective criminal justice system
- Rebuilding a just social security system
See https://www.policyforum.labour.org.uk/
ii) We will also be electing Delegates for National Conference, for Norwich North and Norwich South.
The NLP budget for 2019 includes full funding for two delegates – one for each of Norwich North and Norwich South.
Delegates for Norwich North and Norwich South will be elected by members of each constituency at this month’s AMM. This will be on the basis of written candidates’ statements – candidates will be invited to stand up / raise their hand so that members can identify them, but will not be invited to speak.
Self-nominations have been received from members as follows –
Norwich North:
- George Deacon (Sewell)
- Bridget Lely (Sewell)
- Sarah Taylor (Old Catton & Sprowston)
- Stewart Thompson (Sewell)
Norwich South:
- Josh Cole-Hossain (Nelson)
- Mark Harrison (Nelson)
- Abby Hoffmann (Nelson)
- Hugo Malik (Nelson)
- Charles Pritchard (University)
Click on the names to read the candidate statements, or scroll down to item 3 below. These will also be published in next week’s newsletter, and in the AMM report pack.
iii) Plus we will be seeking CLP nominations for various national positions – Conference Arrangements Committee and National Constitutional Committee. (These can be from outside Norwich CLP.)
iv) Motions received from branches: to go to EC tomorrow, these will then be circulated prior to AMM.